What's the difference between our Legionnaire and our Classic Bucket hat? Well the styling is the obvious difference but they have many similarities. They’re both rated UPF 50+ in protection. They're both made out of our super-soft cotton stretch knit, and they both have the same depth of crown, offering the same protection. How they differ is who they're best suited to.
The Legionnaire is nice and soft and flat at the back of the neck so it makes it perfect for babies and toddlers still in the pram or strollers. They're also the best style for hat haters because they seem so smooth and flat to the back of a child's neck. There's so much less for them to grab onto to pull off.
Our Classic Bucket hat and Ponytail Bucket hats have the anti-flop brim that goes all the way around. So they're best suited for children that are upwardly mobile with big strong necks that are always running around and busy.
This video will talk you through the two styles: https://youtu.be/MWRDQkxx0eI
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